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Showing posts from May, 2021


Hey young lady... why are you walking down alone, let me give you a ride home. At first i ignored and i replied, i can take care of myself. thanks. The voice was persistent, just hop in its too dangerous for you to be walking alone at this time of the day. On a second thought i decided to let him give me a ride, it wasn't such a bad idea after all.  He asked me where i was headed, i told him and then, he asked why i was out this late. It was a long story of not connecting with your date, he laughed; then he started his own story of how he decided to be true to this girl and it turned out the girl was cheating on him. i could hear the sadness in his voice. the turned it was his time to get fucked. like he said everyone must get fucked up one day. We shared a blunt together and discussed how terrific it is to put your hope in someone.Girls or Guys ; we all get hurt but that doesn't mean that we are going to stop swimming because its a game of options. You can always find someone ...