Patrice ! Ade is sick o ! He’s having cough. Are you serious! replied another voice. Ade ! don’t touch me ! I said don’t touch me pls ! The sound mixed with fear and anger could not let me concentrate on writing the essay I needed for my summer internship.
On the morning of that same day, the 20th of March 2020, we were mandated to attend the orientation of Coronavirus organized by village du Benin Togo. And also one must wash his hands with the provided soap and water in the school compound before you can be allowed in class. The orientation was held in the hall with not more than 100 students per barge. The first barge ended with the installation of fear and extra carefulness in us and we washed our hands according to what we were taught in the hall by the school nurse before we left the school environment.
I was still on the summer internship application when news was brought to us that school has shutdown till further notice and our exams will not commence as planned, the Nigeria boarder has been closed ; A very good friend of mine that just lost her uncle had to stay back and some students who planned on travelling to Nigeria had to stay back also. It did not just affect Nigerian students. Ghanaian students were also not permitted to come into the country by their government. Churches and mosques had to close also. Everyone has to stay safe.
Some say “Coronavirus cannot survive in a hot region” others “it was a created virus” Everyone with a different point of view but the most important thing is that we believe that this virus will “come and pass” it’s just a matter of time!
Great job... Keep it up