WHAT NIGERIA HAS DONE FOR SOUTH AFRICA AND HOW THEY ARE PAYING US BACK WITH XENOPHOBIC KILLING OF THERE AFRICAN BROTHER ESPECIALLY NIGERIA During the apartheid regime in South Africa, Nigeria alone provided 5million dollars annual subvention to the ANC and the Pan Africanist Congress annually in the 1970s In 1976, Nigeria set up the Southern Africa Relief fund (SAFR) destined to bring relief to the victims of the apartheid regime in South Africa, provide educational opportunities for them and promote the general welfare. However, The military administration of General Obasanjo contributed 3.7million dollars to the fund also Gen Obasanjo made a personal donation of 3000 dollars while the cabinet members made contribution of 1.500 dollars. All Nigeria's civil servants and public officers made two percent donation from there monthly salary to the SAFR, students skipped their lunch to make donations and this donnati...
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